Tomography and Cryo-FIB Workshop 2023 Gallery

Bryan Sibert, Operations Manager at the Cryo-EM Research guides group on tilt-series data collections in SerialEM in a remote KriosG4 session.
Zunlong Ke guides a session on subtomogram averaging and particle picking in Chimera.
Prof. Marisa Otegui of UW-Madison guiding a session on the Leica EM ICE high-pressure freezer.
Kai Cai and Priyank Maindola at the Vitrobot Mark IV.
Zunlong Ke and Matt Larson in workshop for basic tomographic processing in IMOD.
A cryo-electron microscopy grid loaded in a plunger freezing instrument.
Anil Kumar, guiding Jacob Croft on the Leica EM-GP2.
Carol Bator and Alicia Botes plunge freezing in the MCCET facility.
Demonstration of the Aquilos II by Veronika Vrbovska with Rachel Flores.
Maria Maldonado at the Leica ICE High Pressure Freezer.

Zunlong Ke, guiding workshop attendees in a data processing session.

Speakers and workshop attendees from the 2023 Tomography and CryoFIB Workshop.
Bryan Sibert teaching how to use the PRIMO Micropatterning System.
Alex Hall, ThermoFisherScientific, teaching image segmentation in AMIRA.
Jacqui van Twest, project manager for MCCET, at the Aquilos II.
Bob Ashley, CryoSol, guiding a training segment on the CryoSol VitroJet at MCCET.
Training session on the Stellaris V Cryo-fluorescence microscope remotely to the Cryo-EM conference room.
Jacob Anderson adding sample in the Leica EM-GP2 plunge freezer.
Kai Cai and Ernest Okertchiri in sample preparation on the TFS Vitrobot Mark IV System.
Paul Escalante, UW Biochemistry Medialab, preparing the AV for speakers.
Frank Tucci and Ariana Calderon-Zavala at the Aquilos II.