2015-16 Cryo-EM Seminar Series

The Cryo-EM Revolution: A series of cutting-edge seminars at UW-Madison highlighting rapid advances on multiple fronts in the use of cryo-EM for high-resolution imaging of biomolecules.

During the 2015-2016 academic year, the Department of Biochemistry, the School of Medicine and Public Health, the Morgridge Institute for Research, and the College of Engineering presented a cross-campus seminar series to increase awareness of rapid advances occurring in cryo-EM technology and its application to cellular and structural biology. These seminars by top cryo-EM researchers in the world and the associated materials helped UW Madison faculty, staff, trainees, and administrators understand the impact that cryo-EM was likely to have on their research and on the scientific enterprise at UW–Madison.

Yifan Cheng, UCSF — “Structure of TRP channels by single particle cryo-EM: from blobology to atomic structure
3:30 pm, Monday, Sept. 14, 1211 HFD Biochemical Sciences Bldg.
Link to Kaltura video of Cheng seminar – access restricted to members of UW-Madison

Ali Dashti, UW–Milwaukee — “Dynamic Reconstruction of Ribosome Data
4:00 pm, Wednesday, Sept. 23, 175 HFD Biochemistry Laboratories
Link to Kaltura video of Dashti seminar – access restricted to members of UW-Madison

Kent McDonald, UC Berkeley — “Mythbusters: the EM episode – Hans Ris Memorial Lecture
2:00 pm, Thursday, Oct. 1, 1211 HFD Biochemical Sciences Bldg.
Link to Kaltura video of McDonald seminar – access restricted to members of UW-Madison

Niels Volkmann, Sanford-Burnham — “Beyond cartoon biology: understanding molecular function in the structural and cellular context
3:30 pm, Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1211 HFD Biochemical Sciences Bldg.
Link to Kaltura video of Volkmann seminar – access restricted to members of UW-Madison

Peter Denes, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab — “High speed, direct electron detection and the resolution revolution
3:30 pm, Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1211 HFD Biochemical Sciences Bldg.
Link to Kaltura video of Denes seminar – access restricted to members of UW-Madison

Grant Jensen, Cal Tech — “How electron cryotomography is opening a new window into microbial cell biology
3:30 pm, Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1211 HFD Biochemical Sciences Bldg.
Link to Kaltura video of Jensen seminar – access restricted to members of UW-Madison
Link to Grant Jensen Online CryoEM course at CalTech – open access

Holger Stark, Max Planck Goettingen — “High-resolution structure determination of dynamic macromolecular complexes by cryo-EM
12 noon, Monday, Nov. 2, Biotechnology Auditorium
Link to Kaltura video of Stark seminar – access restricted to members of UW-Madison

Karissa Sanbonmatsu, Los Alamos National Lab — “Towards automated fitting of high resolution cryo-EM data
3:30 pm, Tuesday, Nov 10, 1211 HFD Biochemical Sciences Bldg.

Sriram Subramaniam, NCI-Bethesda — “The rise of cryo-EM: frontiers and opportunities
12 noon, Tuesday, March 10, 1211 HFD Biochemical Sciences Bldg.
Link to Kaltura video of Subramaniam seminar – access restricted to members of UW-Madison

Eva Nogales, UC-Berkeley — “Structural transitions through the transcription initiation process visualized by cryo-EM
3:30 pm, Monday, May 2, 1211 HFD Biochemical Sciences Bldg.
Link to Kaltura video of Nogales seminar – access restricted to members of UW-Madison

Link to Kaltura channel of all CryoEM seminars – access restricted to members of UW-Madison

A few select citations for those wishing to read more about the CryoEM revolution
Callaway, E. 2015. The revolution will not be crystallized: a new method sweeps through structural biology. Nature 525, 172-4. 
Bai, X. C., G. McMullan, and S. H. Scheres. 2015. How cryo-EM is revolutionizing structural biology. Trends Biochem Sci 40,49-57.
Cheng, Y., N. Grigorieff, P. A. Penczek, and T. Walz. 2015. A primer to single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. Cell 161,438-449.
Cheng, Y. 2015. Single-particle cryo-EM at crystallographic resolution. Cell 161, 450-457.
Kuhlbrandt, W. 2014. Cryo-EM enters a new era. Elife 3, e03678.